Preparing Toddlers and Other Siblings for Newborn Sessions

Hey parents! It's Holly from Glass Rose Productions. If you're reading this, chances are you've got a fun new addition joining your family soon. Congrats!

I have worked with moms a lot. So, I know just how exciting and overwhelming this time can be - especially if you've already got a tiny tornado (or two) running around the house. Adding a newborn to the mix brings up so many questions and fresh challenges to figure out.

One of the major questions on many parents' minds is - How do we prepare our energetic toddler for taking nice newborn photos with their new sibling? After over a decade of working with families, doing my best to manage the toddler energy for pictures is one of my greatest magic tricks.

The good news is, with some advanced preparation and realistic expectation-setting, we can convince those older siblings that a newborn session is a party rather than a task. Here are my top tried-and-true tips:

Start Talking it Up WAY Early


Start preparing your older children for what lies ahead at least one month in advance. Let them know they'll get to come see Miss Holly, the baby photographer, hold and snuggle their new sibling, and be VIP helpers for taking special family pictures together. Getting them amped up in advance makes a huge difference in their participation.

Practice Makes Perfect (or At Least, Less Squirmy)

Before our session, have your bigger kid(s) practice safely holding and snuggling with a baby doll. Tuck it into their arms, and have them lie down next to it while you give gentle guidance. The more they can rehearse being calm and still, the better the real deal will go.

Get Rid of the Word "Picture"

Telling a toddler or preschooler we need to take pictures is a one-way ticket to meltdown city. They automatically assume it means having to hold still, pose, and smile on command (ugh, no thanks, says every little kid ever). That's why I never actually use the word "picture" - I'll simply say we're going to go live on, snuggle, and get some cuddles with their new sibling!

Bring Backup Reinforcements

Having an extra pair of hands for older kid duty during our session is an absolute must in my book. Maybe your partner, a grandparent, or even a friend can keep the non-newborn crew occupied and from going stir-crazy. They can take breaks out of the room, play games, read books, and keep snacks and entertainment flowing - anything to help with kid management.



Comfiest Outfits Only Please

Mamas - under no circumstances should your toddler or older kids be dressed in anything but the softest, stretchiest, coziest clothing for our session. Stiff, embellished, or scratchy outfits will only lead to whines and wardrobe malfunctions. I'm talking soft knit tees, joggers, simple dresses - anything that allows unrestricted snuggling!

Positive Reinforcement for the Win

I'm a firm believer that a few well-timed treats or small rewards can work wonders in toddlerhood. Maybe we'll "find" a trail of Goldfish crackers leading to the baby's cuddle spot? Or you can bring a few small trinkets from the dollar spot to get those squeals of delight flowing when your bigger kids are being good listeners. Keeping it all positive and fun is key!

Remember that the most important thing is capturing the authentic, heartfelt connections between your kids - however wild and unpredictable that may look! I've got an endless supply of silly voices, songs, and games to roll with whatever comes our way.

Cannot wait to meet your whole family soon and create lasting memories together! Let me know if any other questions come up in the meantime.


Baby-Friendly Things to Do in Guelph


Preparing Children for Stress-Free Family Photo Sessions