Preparing Children for Stress-Free Family Photo Sessions

As parents, we all want to have those gorgeous family portraits hanging on our walls - the ones that capture the beautiful connections, radiant smiles, and fleeting moments. But getting children ready and cooperative for a photography session? That can feel like an overwhelming task in itself!

From picking out perfect outfits to worrying about tantrums or meltdowns, the pressure is on for family photo shoots. As a Guelph family photographer, I'm here to help relieve that stress and make your session an enjoyable, memorable experience for everyone.

The Low-Stress Photography Experience


Picture this: you, your partner, and your kids arrive at a scenic outdoor location. The kids get to run, explore, and be their energetic selves while I snap away, capturing those authentic smiles and silly moments. There's no need for stiff posing or forcing perfect behavior. Just you spending quality time as a family while I discreetly capture those moments!

Sound like a dream? This is exactly the laid-back, low-pressure vibe I strive to create during family photography sessions. My goal is to take the mom-stress out of family photos by guiding you every step of the way.

Age-Appropriate Session Planning


During our pre-session consultation, we'll discuss everything from location to wardrobe. I always aim to choose settings best suited for your children's ages and interests. Somewhere they can truly be themselves and stay engaged.

I'll also provide plenty of tips for dressing your family members based on their ages and personalities. My client closet has options if pulling together coordinating outfits feels daunting. The most important thing is that you all feel comfortable!

Photographer Secrets for Happy, Energetic Kids


With over 12 years of experience working with young children, I've developed tons of tricks to keep things light, fun and kids entertained. You can expect me singing silly songs, playing games and being as goofy as needed to get those natural laughs.

My family portrait sessions move at the kids' pace. If they need to take a break, no problem! I'm stocked with snacks to re-energize, and encourage moments of rest when needed. Whenever they're ready, I'll seamlessly resume with fresh prompts to reengage them.

Photographer Double Check: No Stressful Preparation Required!


In the days leading up to your session, I simply ask that you:

Relax! Getting proper rest and nutrition helps ensure everyone feels their best.

Pack comfort items like special stuffies or toys to incorporate if desired.

Give kids a small non-sugary snack beforehand to avoid hangry meltdowns.

That's it! There's no need to stress over primping or drilling expectations. Just show up as your authentic family selves and let me take care of the rest.

Candid Moments Become Lifelong Memories


The most cherished family photographs are often the in-between moments we don't plan - the way your child gazes at you adoringly, their pure laughter in an embrace, or playful curiosity in nature. These real, unscripted snippets reveal the true character and connections in your family.

My Guelph family photography sessions are designed to produce an abundance of these candid memories. You'll walk away with a gallery showing the wonderful, unique dynamics of your family in that moment of time. Priceless keepsakes you'll treasure for generations!

If the thought of preparing kids for family portraits feels overwhelming, take a deep breath! I'm here to handle all the heavy lifting, from planning through executing a fun, stress-free photography experience. All you need to do is show up and allow me to capture your family's singular beauty and bonds.

Reach out today to schedule family photo sessions in Guelph, Ontario or surrounding areas - I can't wait to create lasting memories together!


Preparing Toddlers and Other Siblings for Newborn Sessions


Milestones Babies Experience in Their First Year